Saturday, March 16, 2013

Service Project

So I just barely got logged on to the blog, and I decided to put on that activity that Madeline and I did together a while ago. My grandparent's are on a mission in Nepal. One of their projects is in hospitals with newborns. Since so many of them go home with only the sun to warm them, we decided for one of our Personal Progress goals to make hats to distribute those babies. The first thing we did was a bake sale. We sold cupcakes, congo bars, and cookies. We were aiming for around $50 but ended up with over $200! It was a lot of hard work, but I think it payed off.

All the baked goods.
Somehow, our gnomes escaped into this
maze of desserts!


Next, we bought the supplies and held the activity. We worked hard that night and made a ton of hats. Since we had bought a ton of supplies, we are currently working on finishing them. We will later give them to Nepal. Even though we made a lot of hats, we still managed to have a lot of money left over. We gave most of the extra money to Heifer Organization, a company that gives animals to people in rural countries so they can raise money on their own. We donated a llama, a beehive, and chickens and are very excited that we could help. 

Making the hats




  1. Thanks for letting Erika help out, she was so proud. You girls seriously amaze me! I love seeing all that you do!

  2. This was such an awesome service project! Lauren and Madeline did an amazing job! Thanks for letting our Beehive class be a part of it too!

  3. Nice job ladies, and I must say the cookies tasted amazing also!!

  4. look so yummy, sad I wasn't there to buy it all! And eat it
